Individual Online Tuition
- Nonrefundable Registration Fee- (Determined by the management according to the duration of the time invested)
- The fee depends on the requirement of the student. You can pay for one hour and get a trial lesson. The full course fee has to be paid before the commencement of the full course.
Group Classes
- Cambridge YLE Exam Preparation - Non refundable registration fee plus semester fees for 3 months. A semester lasts 3 months while payments are to be made every 4 months. If the syllabus is not covered within three months , there will be extra classes free of charge.
- G.C.E 0/L General English & IELTS - XXXX LKR a month
- G.C.E A/L General English & IELTS Integrated - XXXX LKR a month
- Grade 5- 9 General English & Spoken English- XXXX LKR a month
Staff Training
- Spoken English & Grammar
- Professional English
- Public Speaking
- (68,500 LKR) per head
- We are responsible
Preschool one- to- one ( Kiddies Pre-school Kandy)
- English Medium & Sinhala Medium
Spoken English & Essentially Practical Grammar for Students Aged 16 - 24 years( Pre IELTS Level 2)
- 78,500 LKR for 3 months
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