Be an independent learner

We are a registered Cambridge English Qualifications Registration Centre for the British Council Colombo.

Course Fee

Variable- Refer Pricing

Available Seats

10 or above


weekdays & weekends ( mornings & evenings)

Englis is easy to learn

Speech Oriented Programmes

We observe the young learners and adults for some time and approach them in a manner they enjoy the learning process. Establishing the student -teacher trust is key to achieving the desired results. We follow Oxford standards.We are a Cambridge English Qualifications Registration Centre for the British Council Colombo.

Key to fluency is to know well

Our students will study in an acquisition rich environment.

Listen to speak & read to write

Reading is the key skill for the mastery of any language.

Reading gives you many benefits. It also tunes your tongue . Let us help you.

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Listen to learn.

Good listening skills help you have better conversations & learn from others.

Speak & write effectively

To speak & write confidently you had better learn essential grammar and have a lot of practice speaking & writing.

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